Big Data & Analytics to analyse trends and determine the impact of marketing campaigns

Good practices

Big Data & Analytics to analyse trends and determine the impact of marketing campaigns

This solution, developed by the German National Tourist Board (GNTB), provides a snapshot into trends regarding visitors to the destination. The analysed data allows the Board to better understand home markets, tourists' preferences and the impacts that certain events have on tourist demand, as well as gaining knowledge about how, when and where investments in marketing work the best.

The project began with the designing of a series of goals and indicators to monitor the success of the marketing developed by the GNTB. The aim was to be able to identify and select the kinds of market and campaign information and data that would be useful in understanding the impact these campaigns were having and to be able to design future campaigns.

With the goal of being as successful as possible, the GNTB sought help from a private company specialising in Data Analytics, which had two main roles. Firstly, it provided precise data almost in real time, regarding the impacts the different marketing campaigns were having on visitors' home markets. Secondly, it created a series of analysis reports and gave the GNTB access to a Business Intelligence platform to view the results.
It made use of large databases from different Global Distribution Systems and other sources about flight reservations to analyse the success of these actions, comparing variations before and after the campaigns. It also made noteworthy use of Machine Learning techniques to create algorithms to predict trends.

The insights gained included variables such as the identification of seasonal trends, how tourists arrived at the destination or the knowledge of the most popular cities among different segments from the indirect effect of using this solution, since the tourist offerings can adapt to their preferences and improve the overall travel satisfaction.

Destination name : Alemania
Impact on the SDGs : ODS 9
Type of technology used :
  • Sistemas Analítica Datos (Big data/BI...)
Member of the Smart Tourist Destinations Network : No
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